Help & FAQ

Last updated: 2024-04-04

Welcome to Loop! 


The Loop Creator Empowerment Platform and associated websites located at (,,,, etc. (collectively "Loop"), are owned and operated by MKO Advisors, LLC, a limited liability company organized under the laws of Delaware ("MKO"). Throughout Loop, the terms "we," "us," and "our" refer exclusively to MKO. MKO provides Loop, including all information, tools, and services available on the aforementioned websites, to you the user. Your access to and use of Loop is conditioned on your acceptance of all terms, conditions, policies, and notices stated herein.

Loop is an empowerment platform that helps connect creators with Loopers who love their content. “Loop,” “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to Loop, Inc., this platform, and the services offered by Loop, including Loop APIs, Loop embeds,, and Loop’s other websites. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and share information strictly for internal and compliance purposes. 


Loop will never sell, license, or otherwise commercialize creators' intellectual property or personal information, including their content, data, and works, unless explicitly authorized by the applicable creator. Similarly, Loop will never sell, license, or otherwise commercialize the personal information of any Loopers, fans, subscribers, or other users, unless explicitly authorized by the applicable user or otherwise required by a valid legal process under applicable law. We consider creators' content and users' personal information confidential and will vigorously protect it, only disclosing or sharing such information in limited circumstances as detailed in this policy and our terms of service. Loop's business model is based on empowering creators to monetize their own content while providing them exposure, resources, and community; we have no interest or intent to profit from the unauthorized use of their content or data


Information You Provide to Loop


This includes information you provide through text fields, such as your name, payment info, and benefits. The information we require depends on if you create an account, become a Looper, purchase a subscription, engage with a creator, or become a creator. This typically includes at least:


- Full name

- Email address 

- Phone number

- Username

- Password

- Country of residence


You can add more info to your public profile like location, social media links, and an about section. We store this along with other collected information. 




A Looper subscribes and/or makes purchases on Loop, which may come with special creator benefits. As a Looper, you must provide payment info to our partners. See the privacy policies for Adyen, Venmo, Apple, PayPal, Stripe, and Checkout. Loop stores your card's expiry and postal code but not the full number. Instead, we use a token service to represent your number, which Loop stores. If you use a partner like PayPal that requires your name and email, they may share that with Loop.  


We collect info about the creators you subscribe to, purchases, and benefits received. If you select a membership with a physical benefit, we may ask for shipping info like phone number. We may derive your location from country, IP address, and/or card.




A creator creates a Loop page to engage with Loopers supporting their content. To get payouts, you must create an account with PayPal, Stripe, or Payoneer. If you use a partner requiring info like name and email, they may share that with Loop. You may also need to provide bank account info. You must also give tax info. Depending on location and content, you may provide:


- Email address

- Phone number  

- Username

- Password

- Full name

- Business name

- Address

- SSN and/or EIN

- Citizenship 

- Tax ID, registration number, and/or VAT number

- Date and place of birth

- Nonprofit registration number (if applicable)

- Bank account information

- Adult content certification

- ID and residency proof


Additional Information Loop Collects 


Automatically Collected Information


We automatically receive information when you view or interact with Loop, even without an account. For example, when visiting, viewing embeds, using the mobile apps, signing in, or getting Loop emails, we may receive:


- IP address

- Approximate location 

- Browser and device type

- Operating system

- Language settings

- Referring web page details 

- Mobile carrier

- Device IDs

- Search terms 

- Links clicked

- Pages/content loaded or requested

- Session length and duration  

- Cookie data


Loop Messages and Comments 


We collect message and comment contents, timestamps, and viewing data. 


User Research & Surveys


We may ask for your participation in research about current, former, and potential creators and Loopers. We may observe your Loop use and record video, audio, and images of you using Loop and interviews. We may also survey you about Loop use and perception. Responses are stored.


Event Info & Surveys


We may survey you about Loop events. To better understand our community, we may ask for demographic info like gender, ethnicity, age, orientation, earnings, and accessibility that you can optionally provide. We use this to understand the Loop population, develop events, showcase creators, etc. Responses and any demographic info are stored.  


We may request info from you at online and in-person events like your name, email, mobile number, content types, and survey feedback.


You may also grant Loop access for certain features to work. The third party will show what info Loop can access and what permissions are granted. You can revoke access anytime through that third party's settings.

Prohibition on Pornography and Adult Content


Loop is committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming community for all users. As such, pornography, sexually explicit content, and nudity are strictly prohibited on the platform. Loop does not allow or facilitate the sharing of adult content, and creators must refrain from posting any creations containing nudity, pornography, or sexually explicit material. To further ensure the safety of minors and our community, Loop does not collect or require any adult content consent, age verification, or identity validation whatsoever. Any creator found to be posting or distributing pornography, sexually explicit material, or nudity on Loop will be subject to immediate termination of their account and removal of offending content. We have zero tolerance for adult content on the Loop platform. Our content policies are designed to foster an inclusive environment that enables creators to share their talents without compromising the safety of our users or violating applicable laws creators can use. If needed, Loop may request creators provide this info to demonstrate compliance with payment partner rules.


Prohibiting Harmful Content


Loop is committed to providing a platform that fosters inclusion, diversity, and mutual respect. Content meant to demean, sexualize, defame, bully, discriminate, or promote hate, violence, harassment, terrorism, or illegal activity is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to, content that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, religious persecution, radicalization, or false information meant to intimidate or exclude protected groups. Loop has zero tolerance for hate speech, defamation, explicit sexual content, promotion of hate groups, terrorism, bullying, discrimination, or other content that could compromise our values and community standards. Any creator found to be posting prohibited harmful content will be subject to immediate termination of their account and removal of the offending content. Our content policies aim to create a welcoming environment for all by prohibiting divisive and dangerous speech that breeds distrust, disinformation, and real-world harm.


How We Use Information


As applicable, we use collected info to:


- Comply with legal requirements like tax reporting  

- Verify identity for legal compliance

- Enable account login

- Enable subscribing and purchases  

- Process payments and payouts

- Deliver membership benefits and offerings

- Send messages and notifications based on preferences 

-- Provide customer support 

- Promote creator pages for discoverability

- Personalize experiences like recommending creators

- Organize and tailor events

- Understand and analyze service use

- Conduct research and development to improve Loop.

- Prevent fraud, abuse, and illegal activities with automated and manual review



Information Shared with Creators


By subscribing from a creator, you agree to share personal data that may include:


- Full name in Loop profile

- Email address

- Other Loop profile info like avatar 

-  Subscription, Support, and Tip info such as amount and transaction date only/


We may survey you when subscribing/purchasing/canceling. Responses including personal data like name and email may be shared with the creator that you transact with.


When you message users including creators, the contents are shared with recipients. 


Creators may use third-party services that could involve sharing personal data to deliver benefits, etc., all of which we neither collect nor bear any responsibility


Information Shared with Loop Communities


By interacting with a creator, you join their Loop community. You agree to share personal data that may include:


- Full name in that community's profile (required)

- Username (required, but can be personalized)

- Avatar image (optional)

- Bio (optional)

- Birthdate (optional)

- Gender (optional)

- Location (optional)


Actions like commenting, liking, reacting, chatting, and joining events may be visible in community sections. 


Information Shared with the Public


The following may be public:


- Aggregated non-personal usage data  

- Public comments, likes, and reactions on public posts/messages

- For Loopers:

- Public profile with username, avatar, join date

- Connected social media if added

- Public bio 

- With full profile enabled: creators supported and start dates, subscriptions, liked posts, comments

- For creators:  

- Public profile with the above info, location 

- Connected social media

- Public bio

- With full profile enabled, Looper support info, liked posts, comments

- Creator page content like tiers, posts, goals, shop, offerings

- Number of Loopers if enabled 

- Post content per audience access

- Liking or reacting to comments may show to post audience


Information Shared with Third Parties


We never sell your information. Beyond what's shared with creators, communities, and the public, we only share data in these cases:


- Service providers contracted to provide services like cloud hosting, content delivery, security, communications, analytics, fraud detection/prevention, etc. They may only use personal data on Loop's behalf per our instructions and appropriate confidentiality/security.

- Government and law enforcement agencies

- Tax reporting 

- Legal processes like subpoenas and warrants 

- Sale, merger, or reorganization of Loop to transfer data to new entity

- Individuals granted teammate permissions to manage a creator page

- Connected third-party services per your authorization


Your Preferences and Controls 


Choosing Preferences

Turning Off Notifications


You can update email notifications in settings. You'll still get some service emails. You can disable push notifications in the app settings. The following are the settings that can be activated or deactivated as per your preferences:


New content has been posted

New subscription registered

Received a tip

Your PPV content has been unlocked

New message received

New comment received

Expiring subscriptions

Upcoming renewals

A user I am following went live

Controlling Your Data


You can:


- Access, review, modify, and update your data in account settings

- - Email to delete disabled accounts

- Adjust preferences as described above


If you can't log in to make a request, email We may refuse account access/recovery to prevent unauthorized account takeover or data access. 


Verification of Requests 


Users typically have password-protected accounts. If submitting a privacy request, you may need to log in or verify your identity another way. If we can't adequately verify the request, we may deny it to protect against unauthorized access.


Do Not Track Signals


Your browser may send a Do Not Track signal that websites receive. There is no standard for compliance. Loop does not monitor or respond to these signals.


New York Privacy Laws


Loop is headquartered in New York. Under the New York Privacy Act (NYPA), residents can request access to the categories of personal info collected, sources, purposes, and third-party sharing. 

EU Privacy Laws and Data Transfers


Loop is a global platform. By using Loop, your data may be transferred to and stored in the United States per this Policy. Loop acts as a data controller under the law. 


We process data based on contract performance, legitimate interest, legal obligation, and consent as appropriate. You can withdraw consent anytime.


Loop is not for children under 16. You must be old enough to consent to data processing and be at least 18 or have parental consent for an account and purchases. You must be 18 for adult content.


We may update this policy and will notify users of material changes before they take effect. Continued use after changes is acceptance. Email with questions.